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Enabling Future HR Leaders: Orientation for Cohort 8 of the National HR Mentorship Program

The National HR Mentorship Cohort 8 Orientation was conducted virtually on April 13, 2024, by the HR Certification Centre. This highly anticipated event, which is renowned for its national contribution to the HR profession, drew in one hundred mentees who demonstrated a shared commitment to both professional and personal development.

The moderator, Mr. Kwabena Nyamekye-Dapaah, Marketing Manager, gave a brief overview of the goal of the meeting, citing the three-month mentorship program's schedule, which included ten modules every Wednesday for a total of twelve weeks. He emphasised that this structure improves the learning process and equips mentees with the knowledge they need to succeed in their HR careers. He congratulated the mentees for persevering this far and urged them to take the program seriously since it will improve their career progression.

Patience Tawiah Korankye, an HR generalist with more than a decade of experience, delivered a moving speech that was one of the event's highlights. Speaking on the theme, “cultivating growth and empowerment through guidance”, she passionately encouraged mentees to cultivate adaptability, embrace continuous learning, and be change catalysts in their organisations. She concluded her speech by emphasising and encouraging the mentees to maintain a growth mindset, seek feedback and reflection, network, and, most importantly, seek support and guidance as they progress through their career. She Further, on behalf of the college of mentors for the Mentorship programme, accepted the call to mentor the participants on behalf of the mentors and in response, Deborah Asamoah Agyei  mentee of the cohort 8 spoke on behalf of all the mentees expressing their heartfelt gratitude and the privilege given. She said as mentees, they will seize the opportunity not only for their personal development but to also shape the future of the HR profession in Ghana and beyond.

Pearl Amoah Amponsah, Executive Director of the HR Certification Centre, spoke to mentees, emphasising perseverance, resilience, and adaptability in their HR career. She stressed the crucial role of HR professionals in the success of the organisation. After encouraging them to utilise the mentorship programme to enhance both technical skills and agility, she concluded by wishing them well and reminding them that "change and growth are intentional and deliberate acts."

The closing remarks were made by Kwabena Nyamekye-Dapaah, Marketing Manager of the HR Certification Centre. He revealed the mentees' toolkit and schedule that will be shared by the mentoring coordinator, Sophia Gogo, to guide their 12-week journey. The virtual event ended with a sense of fellowship that would undoubtedly grow throughout their mentorship journey.

To sign up for the next Mentorship Program in July, follow this link: